Tuesday, November 3, 2009

nasa blog

Lights, spectra, and images:
I Read.... Most telescopes can produce many images. but they can also be made using the light that we cant see with are eyes. Score of the test: 45%

X-ray Binary star system:
I Read..... that the star contains two orbits around the common center of mass. they are made up of a normal star and collapsed star. the x-rays come from the area around the collapsed star where the material that is falling toward it is heated to very high temperatures.
Score of the test: 100%

How Do Massive Black Holes Grow:
Black holes up to about 50 times the mass or the sun that can be formed by normal process in very massive stars. many astronomers think that most spiarl and elliptical galaxies contain massive black holes.

Spectral Analysis:
In the 19th century many people thought it would be impossible to determine a chemical composition for stars. Score on the test: 100%

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